Did the pandemic force you to retrench and relook at your alternative delivery channels such as contact center, website and mobile app? Yes? Congratulations, you’re one step closer to user loyalty and overall user experience success. However, don’t assume you are going to increase user acquisition just yet – user experience (UXonUI) is critical for new user retention of your app and your online presence. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a step back and look at what user user-experience exactly is.
User experience, or UX, is about designing the user journey through the mind of the user. This article will break down user user-experience into three key categories that are critical to user-experience success: the brand user-relationship, the user interface, and user value.
Brand user-relationship
An important component of UX research that is often overlooked during design is the brand user-relationship. This category includes how users perceive your brand’s mission, vision, values, products, services, story, user-voice, and user-personality. Did you think these were not important? If I were to ask you out of the top 6 credit card issuers, which mobile app was rated as the favorite and why…would you answer Discover Card? If in a recent ath Power study on UX research with credit card mobile apps and websites, Discover card came out as a crowd favorite…why? Not because of the amazing way it displayed the credit card balance. Not due to the ability to pay now. No, it was brand sentiment. Discover reaches out to the user, engages them with on point topics and colorful images of card usage. Discover has created an emotional connection with their users and they love it.
User interface
Every app user and website surfer will make decisions about your brand based on interfacing. UX is about how easily a user can move around in your mobile app or website environment . The user experience with your interface includes many things, such as loading time, user flow, user interface design (UI), user typography, user iconography, user task efficiency, and the overall visual appeal of the interface. Is your app and website photogenic? A picture is worth a thousand words and even more so in the digital age!
User value
Last but certainly not least is user value. This category includes what your website and app offers to users in exchange for their valuable time and data. User value also includes what you promise users versus how that stacks up against user expectations.
So now what? Most of ath Power’s clients come to us saying that they think that leadership and design engineers have a pretty good handle on their UI for the website and mobile apps and are most of the time completely surprised by the outcomes of a brief study on their interfaces in comparison to their named competitors. If you think your idea of great may not be in alignment with your user’s idea of great, don’t hesitate to reach out so we can find a way to help.